Learn How to Become a Veterinarian

how to become a veterinarian

Veterinarian Salary & Benefits Information

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Recent statistics show that the number of job openings for veterinarians is currently on the rise due to employment growth, limited numbers of new graduates, and people leaving the workforce for retirement. Since there are only 28 accredited veterinarian programs in the United States and only 2,500 new graduates each year, the demand for veterinarians remains high due to the fact that supply cannot keep up with demand. Employment for vet technicians is also expected to grow significantly over the next 5-10 years by approximately 15-20%. For veterinarians working full-time, they typically dedicate anywhere from fourty to fifty hours each week and average a mean salary of $95,000/year (2013). Vets fresh out of school average a starting salary of $65,000, and can reach up to $200,000+ per year with qualified experience and specialization. Those who work in the private sector, as opposed to the government or schools, tend to make higher wages, especially if they have ownership in the practice.

Salary & Benefits of being a vet:

  • Average starting salary of $65,000
  • Median annual salary of $91,000
  • Top 10% earn over $150,000
  • Excellent medica, dental, and vision coverage
  • 2-4 weeks of paid vacation
  • Paid sick leave
  • Continuing education pay
  • High demand for qualified vets
  • Positive job outlook; over 12% growth over the next 10 years
  • Strong business & social network
  • Lots of opportunities for travel (seminars, networking, research, etc)
  • Able to work with animals on a daily basis
Veterinarian Type [2013] Average Salary
Animal Care Veterinarian $105,000
E.R. Veterinarian $94,000
Clinical Veterinarian $92,000
Associate Veterinarian $74,000
Small Animal Veterinarian $68,000
Shelter Veterinarian $67,000
Clinical Veterinary Technician $39,000
Veterinary Technician $29,000
Animal Shelter Manager $28,000
Animal Health Technician $24,000

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